New York is a “no-fault” car insurance state which means that if you need a car accident lawyer in the state of New York, you must claim compensation from your insurer. You must make the demand with your own car insurance company, and recover damages, regardless of who was at fault in the mishap.

However, in some cases, you may be eligible to bring a personal injury request against the other motorist in the accident. If you are eligible to bring a personal injury demand against the other person in the accident, there are statutes of limitations to comply with. Statute of limitations refers to the time limit within which you must bring a claim. Failure to adhere to the statute of limitations could mean that your demand is invalid.

In New York, you must bring a personal injury claim within a period of three years after the injury has occurred. A request can compensate you for medical expenses, and other compensation for damages you have suffered as well property damage that you have incurred in the mishap.

Speak to a Bronx personal injury lawyer for help filing a claim after a car mishap. Schedule a consultation with a Bronx personal injury lawyer and discuss your claim today.