A critical aspect of driving safely in winter is to be prepared. That includes stocking your auto with an emergency car kit that contains essentials to help you stay safe and survive in deadly weather conditions during this time.

A winter emergency kit should contain the following items.

  • Blankets and warm clothing
  • Extra pair of boots
  • Torch
  • Gloves
  • Sand
  • Flares
  • Energy bars
  • Water
  • Jump cables
  • Tow rope
  • Antifreeze
  • First aid kit
  • Windshield washer fluid
  • Batteries
  • Fully charged cell phone
  • Basic toolkits
  • Flashlights
  • Knife
  • Extra cash and change

The time to build a winter car kit is right before winter starts. Make sure that your auto is stocked with these items, and add items to the kit as you believe necessary. The point of having a emergency kit is to ensure that you are able to survive in your car when you’re stranded in a storm for at least for a few hours, until help arrives.

In order to avoid a situation in which you are stranded, and waiting for help, go through the weather reports, and look out for any snowstorms predicted on your route. If there is bad weather predicted for your route, take an alternative route instead.

If you’re stuck in your auto, turn on your hazard lights, and do what you can to make your car noticeable. Use your flares. That not only helps rescue workers locate your auto, but also makes your car visible to other motorists, and prevents an accident. Keep the exhaust pipe clear in order to avoid accumulation of carbon monoxide fumes, and try shoveling.

If you were injured in an accident, speak with a Bronx personal injury lawyer about claiming damages for medical costs and lost income. Discuss a claim for compensation with a Bronx car accident lawyer.