If you have suffered a herniated disc after car accident, it is important to report symptoms to a doctor. Speak to a Bronx car accident lawyer for help filing a claim for a herniated disc.

Symptoms can include back, neck or leg pain, and numbness, tingling, or muscular fatigue. Your doctor, will diagnose the condition by conducting a physical exam to determine your reflexes, ability to walk, and sensitivity to pinpricks and other touches. Imaging tests, including CT scans, x-rays, MRIs and myelograms will be conducted in order to determine the presence of a herniated disc or any other cause of back pain.

Typically, doctors will begin your treatment with a course of medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If the pain, however, doesn’t improve with these over-the-counter medications, your doctor may prescribe narcotic drugs, including a combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen. More advanced drugs including nerve pain drugs, may also be used to help relieve pain. If these don’t help, muscle relaxants and cortisone injections may be prescribed.

In rare cases, doctors may prescribe surgery for a herniated disc. That option is only used if your symptoms are not alleviated, after weeks of continued and repeated medication. If you have lost bladder control, doctors may consider surgery as an option.

Therapy may also be prescribed. Traction and other the types of therapy may reduce the symptoms of the herniated disc. Doctors will also prescribe bracing of the lower back or the neck.

All of these treatment options mean extensive medical expenses. Document all of the expenses that you have incurred in the treatment of your herniated disc. These records can help you recover compensation for your medical expenses in a personal injury claim for a herniated disc. Speak to a Bronx personal injury lawyer for help filing a claim.