Icy roads and icy sidewalks can make walking a slippery mess. Throughout the winter season, people in the Bronx often have these concerns. And if stores and buildings don’t take necessary action, ice can melt and become a hazard, especially on slippery floors.

A slip and fall accident on icy roads isn’t a laughing matter. It can lead to devastating injuries like broken arms or a traumatic brain injury. If you’ve already been injured, you will need the Bronx personal injury attorneys to help you seek money damages due to your accident. These damages will help you cater for your rehabilitation expenses, doctor’s costs, and any income lost from being off work.

What Should I Do After an Icy Slip and Fall Accident in NY?

If you slipped and fell on ice or snow in the Bronx due to the negligence of someone, you can recover compensation. An injury attorney in the Bronx will evaluate your case and advise you accordingly. However, you need to take some steps after the slip and fall incident.

Photograph The Ice On the Road

Before the ice melts or someone comes and removes it hurriedly, you should take photographs of the area the accident occurred. Also, take the contacts of anyone who witnessed the fall.

Seek Medical Attention

Call 911 or see a doctor for treatment. A slip and fall accident can cause serious injuries like brain injuries and fractures. See a doctor and keep all of your appointments. Take note of your recovery journey.

Note Where You Fell

Take the address of where you slipped and fell. It’s possible to forget at what particular point you slipped and fell once you’re out of the scene.

Report to The Business

If your accident happened on a public sidewalk in front of a business, report it to them as soon as you can.

What Are the Common Injuries Associated with A Fall On an Icy Road?

If only your pride got injured in your slip and fall accident in the Bronx, then maybe you don’t have to sue anyone. But there are other incidences that lead to serious injuries. Remember, as people grow older, it becomes more likely to experience severe injuries by any kind of fall.

The common injuries one may sustain due to slipping and falling on icy roads and sidewalks in New York include:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Nerve damage
  • Broken bones
  • Spine injury
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Neck injuries
  • Knee damage
  • Back injuries
  • Sprained wrists and ankles
  • Dislocated or fractured hips

Falling on ice is particularly dangerous because a person can fall and fail to regain balance. The person may fall the first time and injure one part of the body, then fall the second time and hurt a different part while trying to rise up.

Treating and rehabilitating a broken bone or brain injury is expensive. You will need extensive medical appointments and therapy. Let a Bronx ice and snow injury lawyer help you recover these damages from responsible parties.

Who Is Responsible for My Slip and Fall Injuries Due to Ice?

In New York, business owners and property owners have a duty to ensure their premises are safe from any hazards. If they don’t remove the ice or don’t place nonslip mats on slippery surfaces, they could be held liable.

The owner or manager may also be liable if they knew about the risk or were reasonably expected to know but failed to fix it. Here, you must establish how long the dangerous condition existed and whether there was adequate time to get it fixed.

If your fall happened on a public street or sidewalk, the city may be held liable for your injuries. However, not all accidents in the city streets or public places are your city’s fault. You will still have to show how they were negligent.
Other parties who may be liable include homeowners, restaurant owners, and other New York government agencies

How Do I Prove Liability If I Slipped and Fell On an Icy Sidewalk?

If you slipped and fell on an icy road, you will need to prove certain elements in court.

  • Negligence – the responsible party knew or should have known about the dangerous ice situation.
  • Absconded the duty of care – the party failed to address the situation even with the knowledge of icy streets or sidewalks.
  • Received a physical injury – the dangerous icy conditions on the road caused injuries to the victim.
    A skilled Bronx ice and snow injury lawyer can help you go through a medical evaluation that proves the extent of your injuries caused by your slip and fall accident on the ice.

What If There Was No Witness?

If you were injured but the incident was unwitnessed, it will be your job to prove that the property owner was negligent, thus causing your injuries.

In many cases, you won’t need a witness. If you were not at fault or partially at fault, you need to talk to an ice and snow injury attorney in the Bronx today to discuss your case.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me After a Slip and Fall Accident On an Icy Road?

An experienced personal injury lawyer in New York will manage all aspects of your case. A lawyer will also fight for maximum compensation by calculating and documenting all your losses. You will also get prompt communication concerning your case and will be available whenever you have any questions, concerns, or need updates.

Help from A Skilled Ice Slip and Fall Attorney in NY

If you or a loved one was involved in an ice-related slip and fall accident in the Bronx, you need to fight for compensation. An attorney is your best chance to seek fair compensation. And because you only have limited time to file, get in touch with an attorney immediately.

At The Law Offices Of Thomas Lavin, we understand what it takes to successfully win a claim against responsible parties. Talk to us today, and let us help you explore all your legal options.